Wild Game Wisconsin Style Bratwurst Dinner Sausage Seasoning
Dinner Sausages stuffed into links, or rings, are one of the most fun and rewarding sausages to make and enjoy! Our robust spice blends fully capture the essence of their names. Hi-Country does not compromise on the contribution of the individual spices by using excess sweeteners or bulking fillers.
Along with Natural Hog Casings, a carefully created instructional booklet on stuffing and linking procedures is included with each kit. It also contains sections carefully explaining the difference between fresh and precooked sausage, when to use cure, a segment on fat content, as well as additional choices of meats to add with wild game to assure great tasting sausage. Use with a variety of meats from wild game, pork, or beef to game birds, including goose and duck.
Each kit comes complete with seasonings, cure and 100% natural hog casings, enough to make up to 30 lbs. of gourmet sausage.
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